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Editorial Student Voice

We can be the tailwinds towards climate solutions.


  • Gabby Arnott




Pūhau ana te rā: Tailwinds is a journal that embraces the unknown and encourages resolution-based exploration into topics such as the climate-focused challenges Aotearoa is facing today. This issue captures both lived and perceived experiences of students at Te Whare Wānanga o Otākou, and offers us a hand to collaborate in issues that not only affect us now, but will for years to come.

Climate change is affecting everyone. For our generation and those to follow, an anxiousness has settled within our community surrounding our current trajectory towards an unsustainable and damaging future. Pūhau ana te rā: Tailwinds has provided a space for students to participate in these complex conversations, and by doing so, has inspired us to envision one very important thing: we can be the tailwinds towards climate solutions. This journal has also embraced a variety of academic backgrounds; this has allowed for no limit of student participation, and supports the notion that we all have a role in this journey with our respective experiences and knowledge.

Toitū te Taiao ki Te Whare Wānanga o Otākou (the University of Otago's Sustainability Office) has been the heartbeat of these kōrero, and we have experienced enormous support and unity working alongside one another under the uplifting and encouraging guidance of the Sustainability Office team. These reports have required collaboration both within the office and with those in the community, and I think this is reflective of how we should be embracing any challenges that come our way as we progress towards our sustainability goals.

To the Toitū te Taiao whanaū, tēnā rawa atu koutou for your energising passion, your patience, your guidance, and for providing us with this amazing opportunity that Pūhau ana te rā: Tailwinds has become.

To fellow and future interns, embrace the unknown and don’t hesitate for one second in knowing that every single one of you is important in this journey.

Nā to rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi - With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.

Kia ora rawa atu,

Gabby Arnott

2022/23 Student Lead




How to Cite

Editorial Student Voice: We can be the tailwinds towards climate solutions. (2023). Pūhau Ana Te rā: Tailwinds, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.11157/patr.v1i1.21