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Brazil Nut Injections for Happier Cows


Selenium (Se) is a vital nutrient for both humans and animals. However, the soil in Aotearoa is notably deficient in this essential element. While humans can often compensate for the deficiency through diverse food sources, livestock in Aotearoa faces a substantial threat to health and productivity due to Se deficiency. This deficiency can result in adverse effects such as compromised immune function, diminished fertility, and heightened susceptibility to various diseases. Despite existing supplements and injections aimed at addressing this issue, many (e.g., BaSeO4) have proven either harmful to consumers or insufficiently effective. This project seeks to explore and characterize a new Se supplementary injection that has demonstrated promising outcomes, including enhanced immune responses, improved reproductive performance, and increased growth rates.


Supervised by: Craig Bunt, Greg Walker

Scholarship Project Funded by: Agilis Vet Ltd


selenium injection, dairy farm animals, injection formulation, agriculture, veterinary medicine