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Community Development and Public Transport

A just transition for Students at Otago University


  • Georgia Hawthorne





transport, transportation, just transition, busses, student, students, student travel, personas, shuttles, bus


When discussing sustainability, the first thing that might come to mind is environmental sustainability. However, a truly sustainable community is active in social and environmental sustainability. To enable social sustainability, having a reliable transport system is fundamental, especially accessible public transport. However, in Dunedin, there is a significant demographic gap in taking public transportation.  According to the 2022 student travel survey, 50.1% of Otago University students own a Bus Card; however, 84.2% of students have never taken a bus. This report aims to delve into the transportation needs of Otago University students via the use of persona archetypes and evaluate the current transportation system with student needs and concerns. Through the use of personas and running them through the Dunedin Bus system, there is an argument that the current public transport system is not accessible to university students and thus needs a revamp to enable social sustainability within the university student population. University-run shuttles influenced by Penn State and the University of North Dakota and creating a student-friendly bus environment are some proposed changes needed to allow student engagement in the Dunedin community.


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How to Cite

Community Development and Public Transport: A just transition for Students at Otago University . (2023). Pūhau Ana Te rā: Tailwinds, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.11157/patr.v1i2.1