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Workshop Analysis on Behaviour Changes Towards Minimising Food Waste for Waste-Ed


  • Charli May Christensen

    University of Otago




food waste, waste reduction, Waste-Ed With Kate


This study evaluates the effectiveness of Waste-Ed with Kate, a community-directed food waste reduction workshop, in instigating behaviour change among participants. This study used a combination of pre-attendance, on the night and both three and six week post attendance surveys to gain insight into participant behaviours. The data collected, focuses on understanding the dynamics of reported food waste amounts. Alongside the focus of investigating change in behaviour following workshop attendance, this study also investigated the best form of communication. The purpose of looking into communication methods, was to determine the most effective way to collect data about household food waste practices following the workshop. Three different communication methods were tested, and reported on to determine the highest response rate, which can be used in future. Graphical representations and Likert scale analyses illustrate participants' behaviour’s pre-attendance and at three and six weeks post-workshop. The findings indicate a significant reduction in reported post-workshop food waste, suggesting a positive impact on participants' practices. The study, commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, contributes valuable insights into the success of workshops as behaviour change interventions. Continued evaluation of behaviour change initiatives that address the complex issue of food waste is recommended.

Supervised by: Miranda Mirosa and Grace Clare

Scholarship Project Funded by: Waste-Ed With Kate



How to Cite

Workshop Analysis on Behaviour Changes Towards Minimising Food Waste for Waste-Ed. (2024). Pūhau Ana Te rā: Tailwinds, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.11157/patr.v2i1.33